Jennifer's Body (2009) Director: Karyn Kusama
The film starts by one company ident appearing on screen, it fades out and while their s stilla ablack screen music starts playing. It then cuts to a shot of a fenced window which zooms out. While zooming out is shows a girl in a hospital gown, during this time it also shows the room and a children's toy gets shown, this could indicate the age of the person sitting in the room.
The camera is now panning across the floor while a girl is talking over the top, she starts by saying "I think I get more letter's than Santa Claus, Zack Efron and Dr Martin combied, i'm kinda the shit", this shows that she is the girl in the room, also that she is cocky. To due the swearing this also denotes that she might be the Scream Queen. A two person shot is next to be shown, as the girl is knitting something in her room, the door is open and a person in a doctor's jacket stands their, he tells the girl who is identified as Nee-Nee.
A panning shot continues to again show the girl, she pulls of her hospital gown which reveals a large scar on her back denoting that she might have been involved in an accident earlier on in her life. You then see multiple layering of the girl getting changed which reveals more scars, over this she is talking about accepting Jesus Christ into her life.
It then cuts to another take where it shows the girl walk into an outside sports area, she indentifies it as the "Mental Olympics", it then cuts to another shot of her in the canteen. She talks about the doctor's trying to wear them down so their won't be an "uprising" this is while several doctors are checking on people in the canteen. It again cuts to another shot of a patients file, where the girl say's on her's it say's "Kicker". It cuts to another shot where the main girl so far, Nee-Nee, is sat on a window ledge, a doctor comes and talks to her about her energy for the day and the main girl kicks her, this might identify her if not already as a "Bad-Ass" type of girl. She then procedes to tell the doctor, who has a bloody know, "I recommend you to shut the fuck up". One man attempts to take her away, and is simply pushed away, which forces another man to come help him, which they then manage to throw her in a room, this denotes the male dominance.
As she is thrown in the room it is a high angled shot, this is to show how small the room is and also how secluded it is as the only bit of light comes from a window very high up. Music then starts playing which she says she hates, she then tries to go to bed and music plays out.
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