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Hello, Welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of FlashPoint Picture's production of Underground.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

AK - Saw 2 Opening Analysis

Saw 2 (2005) Director: Darren Lynn Bousman

Saw 2 begins with the Lions Gate Films and Twisted Pictures Idents. It then goes into a POV type shot  which begins with a close up of a hanging lightbulb that changes in brightness. Also the focus on the lightbulb changes between in and out of focus which I think works well as it connotes that the character is just regaining consciousness/waking up. He then looks around the room at different things in it such as a vent on the wall, the tv and finally his trap that hes in. There is a mirror on his trap which he uses to look at himself. I think that the POV type shot ending up looking in a mirror would be the best way to introduce the victim in our opening. The camera then zooms out and around the room showing the victim in his trap.

Then theres quick paced close up and long shots of the victim calling for help and getting out of his chair.

Next it shows the tv coming on with the puppet talking to the victim. The shots cut between a close up of the tv and a medium close up of the victim. This lets the viewer know what is happening and it also shows how the victim is responding to it.

It then goes to the victim starting his task and doing it. This uses quick varying shots and uses exagerated sound of the timer ticking and camera zooms to create tension and show that he hasnt got much time which I think we would use in our opening.

It ends with the time running out, the trap shutting on his face and the sound suddenly stops as he dies. There is a close up of his face with blood running from it.

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