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Hello, Welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of FlashPoint Picture's production of Underground.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

WL - Wolf Creek Opening Analysis

Wolf Creek (2005) Director: Greg McLean

So the intro of wolf creek starts with a group of 3 youngish people about to set of on a road trip and there buying a car. Theres a long flash back of the party the night before which involves lots of drinking, smoking and sex thus following common slasher conventions. The people wake up the next morning and set of on the journey, this gives an overveiw of rural australia and the wide outback which really enforces the sense of isolation. When it acctually gets to the part where they wake up theres plenty of close ups to show the characters emotions. What also help build up tension is the long opening and it takes a while to get going. Overall the film does a good job of creating a tense atmophere and one I would like to emulate when it comes to my own coursework piece. 

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