Welcome to my blog. Here I will record all information to do with FlashPoint Pictures

Hello, Welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of FlashPoint Picture's production of Underground.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

"FlashPoint Pictures" BETA Ident

This is my beta company ident. I made the ident using the program Cinema 4D, to create the explosion effect I used a free, downloadable plugin called Thrausi. To make the ident look more realistic I used an effect called ambient occlusion; I used this as it creates reflections off of the other parts of the text.

1 comment:

DB said...

It'd be an utter waste not to apply a soundtrack!!!
Excellent work. Now think creatively about sound - as well as samples within Garageband you could record your own sound: smashing a bottle/s for example or recreatin a similar sound with other materials