After researching various other films that are similar to ours after post production and the majority of editing done, we have deciding to find out what our BBFC rating would be if our film was to be released. After I had researched various films were similar to our own such as Wolf Creek and Saw. Wolf Creek and Saw both feature high levels of gore from the beginning of the film, our film opening is the same.
18 Rating Certificate Logo |
"where material or treatment appears to the BBFC to risk harm to individuals or, through their behaviour, to society – for example, any detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal drug use, which may cause harm to public health or morals. This may include portrayals of sexual or sexualised violence which might, for example, eroticise or endorse sexual assault" Quote from BBFC
This is one guideline set by the BBFC when they last updated the age ratings, which was in 2009. Our film portrays detailed and high levels of violence from the start, an example of this is when the main character is abducted and murdered while being tied to a pole by chains.
The main character is also drinking alcohol which is illegal to anyone under the age of 18 which is another of the requirements for an 18 age rated film.
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