Welcome to my blog. Here I will record all information to do with FlashPoint Pictures

Hello, Welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of FlashPoint Picture's production of Underground.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Tuesday filming

On Tuesday me and Will decided to film some of our scenes for our film opening so we could edit part of it on either Wednesday or Thursday as I was away then. Unfortunately we had several problems with filming; firstly Andy was away so we could only film certain scenes- mainly the inside ones but then we had a bigger problem. The tripod broke on set which meant we wouldn't of been able to record many shots without shaky footage, instead we decided to try some PoV shots.

Although we had quite severe problems shooting it was still a successful shoot as we were able to create a realistic Mis-en-scene. This features blood on the walls and glass and debris from outdoors scattered on the floor. We also found a chain which we are going to use to tie the victim to the pipes with.

1 comment:

DB said...

good to hear you were thinking on your feet, tho' a pity i didnt see any of you weds or thurs!