Welcome to my blog. Here I will record all information to do with FlashPoint Pictures

Hello, Welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of FlashPoint Picture's production of Underground.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

More Test Footage

Today me, Will and Andy went to film some more test footage for our next rough cut, we did this as in our previous filming we had not been able to collect much footage due to various technical  issues.
The filming went extremely well and we were unfortunate to miss out on 2 scenes (the killing and the scene where Will leaves his friends) this was due to us not having enough time to film and that the weather outside was appalling.

We again set out our mis-en-scene which featured glass and dirt (leaves and soil) across the floor as well as blood splashed across the walls. We have had a problem making the blood look realistic both times we've used it, the blood has been too watery causing it to be too light when placed on skin although on the walls it looked okay. Although we weren't in costume we did pick out another prop the murder weapon; which is a large kitchen knife.

As we also had to edit on the same day Will decided to edit during his free period where he edited the outside footage which we had collected at a previous date, we filmed the indoor scenes during 3rd period and lunch. Andy edited the indoor scenes during his free period and I helped him finish off after school.

Overall I think the filming went very successful as we were able to change things that we had previously received feedback on as well as add new ideas of our own.

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