Welcome to my blog. Here I will record all information to do with FlashPoint Pictures

Hello, Welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of FlashPoint Picture's production of Underground.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

WL - Buried Alive Opening Analysis

Buried Alive (2007) Director: Robert Kurtzman

So the film starts out with two company idents and cuts to a woman shaving in a bath. Most slasher fans would definetly see this as a sign of danger due to many famous scenes in bathrooms in past films. However everthing seems fine as who appears to be her boyfriend comes in and they joke around however things suddenly change as she is forced under the water by the man and struggles with him.

 But it turns out to be a false scare as she wakes up from her dream and everything is fine. Another man comes in who is her boyfriend and he gets in the bath with her signifying she is sexually active so possibly a scream queen although she has brown hair. Titles play over this sequence and it then cuts to a sunny garden where the introduction ends. Overall the Intro is just under five minutes long.

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