Welcome to my blog. Here I will record all information to do with FlashPoint Pictures

Hello, Welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of FlashPoint Picture's production of Underground.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Bradford Film Festival

The film festival was an awesome experience for me, it was a chance to see, first hand, how others made short films and what they had included. The first thing I did at the film festival was Experience Tv, this showed you how shows are made and showed as well as the history of television. After that we went to a Q & A session with the Phelp brothers from Harry Potter, it was really interesting to find out what it was like for them during filming and having an insight into their lives. 
  We then went to Screening 1, which was my favourite part about the film festival, we got to see other people's work from all over the country. Overall the short films were well done and enjoyable to watch. My favourite shot was after someone had been caught stabbing someone else, his face was being pushed through a metal fence which reminded you of a prison, where he was soon to be.
  Overall i really enjoyed the trip and it was a very good experience and I hope to see my film up their next year.

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